The Robert E. Fischell Institute for Biomedical Devices seeks to catalyze the transformation of basic research into clinical practice and commercial success. The Institute will drive innovation by immersing creative and energetic scientists and engineers in a nurturing and rewarding research environment where engineered health systems are conceived of and investigated. The Institute is comprised of staff, resources, facilities, and a “network of experts” who facilitate not only prototyping and manufacturing expertise, but who also facilitate venture creation, intellectual property creation, and product passage through various clinical, regulatory and reimbursement hurdles.

In order to stimulate the translation of concepts into commercial practice, the Institute embraces both (i) the fundamental research leading towards device outcomes as well as (ii) the “ecosystem” that facilitates commercialization. The former involves tenure-track faculty (as noted above) ideating and developing concepts as central elements of their own research programs, the latter involves professional staff and engineering prototyping/development space.