Faculty Directory

Payne, Gregory F.

Payne, Gregory F.

Affiliate Research Professor
Fischell Institute Fellow
Institute for Bioscience and Biotechnology Research
Brain and Behavior Institute
Robert E. Fischell Institute for Biomedical Devices
A. James Clark School of Engineering
5118 A. James Clark Hall


Ph.D., The University of Michigan, 1984


  • Guest Professor, Wuhan University, China

Nanobiotechnology, biofabrication (construction using biological materials and mechanisms), stimuli-responsive biopolymers (e.g., chitosan and alginate), enzymes (e.g., tyrosinase and microbial transglutaminase), electroaddressing, renewable resources.  

Biology is expert in creating functional nanoscale components (e.g., proteins) and assembling them over a hierarchy of length scales to create functional structures (e.g., organs). Our lab aims to enlist biology’s materials, mechanisms and lessons to fabricate high-performance soft matter that is cheap, safe and sustainable. In particular, we focus on building structure/function using stimuli-responsive biological polymers (especially polysaccharides), enzymes (especially tyrosinase and transglutaminase), and redox-active phenolics. Currently we are collaborating with several groups from around the world in three primary areas of research.

Biofabrication of the Bio-device Interface

The last century witnessed spectacular advances in both microelectronics and biotechnology yet there was little synergy between the two. A challenge to their integration is that biological and electronic systems are constructed using divergent fabrication paradigms. Biology fabricates bottom-up with labile components while microelectronic devices are fabricated top-down using methods that are “bio-incompatible”. Biofabrication – especially the use of biological materials and mechanisms for construction – offers the opportunity to span these fabrication paradigms by providing convergent approaches for building the bio-device interface.

Figure 1 (below) illustrates our vision for biofabricating the bio-device interface. Device-imposed stimuli provide the cues to initiate assembly and control spatiotemporal localization. Integral to this vision are stimuli-responsive materials that recognize the device-imposed cues and respond by undergoing a sol-gel transition to deposit as stable hydrogel films. Importantly, hydrogel electrodeposition provides a mechanism to trigger self-assembly over a hierarchy of length scales and yields a water-rich microenvironment that is generally compatible with labile biological systems. A second mechanism for hierarchical assembly employs enzymes that covalently conjugate macromolecules (e.g., proteins) to the self-assembled matrix. Through various collaborations, we are expanding and applying these biofabrication tools to biofunctionalize microfluidic lab-on-a-chip devices.

Fig. 1. Biofabrication to build the bio-device interface.
Biofabrication 2022002 (2010).


Biofabricated Redox-capacitor to Establish Bio-device "Connectivity"

Biology and electronics each possess incredible signaling processing capabilities – but they use different signaling modalities. Biology signals using ions and molecules while electronic devices use electrons to process information. Oxidation-reduction (i.e., redox) reactions provide the bridge to connect biological and electronic communication.

We recently fabricated a bio-based redox-capacitor by depositing a thin film of the polysaccharide chitosan and then modifying this film with catecholic moieties. Catechols/quinones are common redox-couples in biology and we observed that these moieties confer redox-activity to the chitosan film. Importantly, the catecholic matrix is redox-active (it can exchange electrons with appropriate mediators) but is non-conducting (it cannot exchange electrons directly with the underlying electrode). These physicochemical properties allow the catecholic matrix to be switched between two stable states (oxidized and reduced) and also allows the matrix to gate, amplify and partially-rectify mediator currents. Also, this catecholic matrix can exchange electrons with bio-relevant oxidants and reductants (e.g., NADH and ascorbate). As illustrated in Figure 2 (below), this catecholic redox-capacitor can interconnect biological and electrical inputs/outputs for information processing.

catecholic matrix
Figure 2. The catecholic matrix (QH2/Q) can exchange electrons with the redox-active metabolites pyocyanin (PYO) and acetosyringone (AS) that can access cellular redox-state. In addition, these metabolites can shuttle electrons between the electrode and the matrix. These properties allow cyclic potential inputs to be imposed to generate steady output currents that possess information of biological/environmental redox activities.


Biopolymeric Materials as High-performance Alternatives

Traditionally, biopolymeric materials have been viewed as bio-based alternatives to synthetic polymers. The commonly-stated advantages of bio-based polymers are their sustainable source and their environmental-friendliness (i.e., biodegradability). However, biopolymers often possess functionality that allows them to compete in terms of performance. In fact, the high-performance capabilities of proteins are well-established: proteins are expressed with controlled sequence, size and shape, and they possess unparalleled capabilities for molecular recognition and catalysis.

Our lab focuses on polysaccharides and phenolics. Polysaccharides are routinely used in food and consumer applications because they possess valuable functional properties (e.g., viscosifying and gelling properties). Often these properties change dramatically in response to small changes in environmental conditions (e.g., in pH, temperature and solution composition). Phenolic-based materials (e.g., lignin and melanin) are more abundant in nature than either proteins or nucleic acids, yet they are seldom studied. Often phenolics possess optical and redox properties that confer protective functions. Over the long term, our lab’s biofabrication research should promote the broader use of polysaccharides and phenolics for food, cosmetic, pharmaceutical, biotechnology and medical applications where performance and biological compatibility are essential.

Coupling Electrodeposition with Layer-by-Layer Assembly to Address Proteins within Microfluidic Channels. Advanced Materials. 23: 5817-5821 (2011).

Electroaddressing Functionalized Polysaccharides as Model Biofilms for Interrogating Cell Signaling. Advanced Functional Materials. 22: 519-528 (2012).

Electrodeposition of a Biopolymeric Hydrogel: Potential for One-step Protein Electroaddressing. Biomacromolecules. 13: 1181-1189 (2012).

Biofabrication of Stratified Biofilm Mimics for Observation and Control of Bacterial Signaling. Biomaterials. 33: 5136-5143 (2012).

Biofabricating Multi-functional Soft Matter with Enzymes and Stimuli-Responsive Materials. Advanced Functional Materials. In Press (2012).

Redox Cycling and H2O2-Generation by Fabricated Catecholic Films in the Absence of Enzymes. Biomacromolecules, 12: 880-888 (2011).

Biomimetic Fabrication of Information-rich Phenolic Chitosan Films. Soft Matter, 7: 9601-9615 (2011).

Redox Capacitor to Establish Bio-device Redox-Connectivity. Advanced Functional Materials. 22: 1409-1416 (2012).

Payne, G.F., P.B. Smith (Eds). “Renewable and Sustainable Polymers.” American Chemical Society Press. Washington, DC (2011).

Fischell Institute hosts inaugural Faculty Engagement Symposium

The event was designed for affiliated faculty interested in learning about the Fischell Institute’s history, mission, programs, Fischell Foundry team members and services, and opportunities for collaboration within the institute.

Advancing Rapid Protein Analysis with Electronic Sensing

UMD researchers develop an innovative method to analyze protein structures quickly and cost-effectively.

Institute-affiliated researchers awarded best paper by Advances in Redox Research

Eunkyoung Kim was awarded the Best Paper of the Year by the Advances in Redox Research journal.

Maryland Engineers Recognized with UMD Faculty Honors

Six Clark School faculty members are among the university's 2024 convocation honorees.

Greg Payne Receives Provost’s Excellence Award for Professional Track Faculty

Award recipients receive a letter of recognition from the provost and $1,000.

Fischell Institute Womxn’s History Month Spotlight: Sidney Redwood

Last summer, Sidney participated in the Fischell Institute Summer Research Internship program in Fischell Institute Fellow Greg Payne's research group. This led to her joining Payne's group as an undergraduate researcher.

Creating the “Internet of Life”

UMD researchers publish new findings in their research to connect biological and electronic systems.

Fischell Institute Spotlight: Eunkyoung Kim

Dr. Kim is currently employed as a Research Associate within IBBR and is a member of Fischell Institute Fellow and IBBR faculty member Greg Payne's research group.

Fischell Institute Spotlight: Greg Payne 

Fischell Institute Fellow Greg Payne has a long history with Fischell Institute Director Bill Bentley.

The Future of Biohybrid Devices

Fischell Institute researchers awarded $1.5M NSF grant to bridge gap between electronics, biology

UMD Bioengineers Awarded $1M Moore Foundation Grant to Advance Bioelectronic Technology

Researchers use redox to drive two-way communication between electronics and biological systems.

 Payne Lab Study Abroad Student Shares Experiences

 Rita Argenziano comes to the Fischell Institute on a quest to expand research interests.

Frequent research collaborator Deanna Kelly named 'MPower Professor'

UMSOM Psychiatry professor has worked on mental health-related projects with Espy-Wilson, Ghodssi, Payne, among others.

Alum develops bioelectric effect toothbrush

Young Wook Kim's TROMATZ toothbrush improves mouth and gum health.

The Internet of Bio-Nano Things

Researchers aim to bridge the gap between microelectronics and biological systems to create next-generation wearables.

Team Competes for $10K to Support Oxidative Stress Research

Payne, research team earn MedTech Innovator Best Video Award votes based on video views, likes.

UMD Researchers Tap CRISPR Technology to Connect Biology, Electronics

Potential application for complex electronics highlighted in Nature Communications

Spurring research group creativity in the time of COVID-19

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Two UMD Pediatric Devices Pitched in NCC-PDI Competition

Thirty semi-finalist pitched their pediatric device innovations in the virtual competition on March 23.

Institute Hosts AMBIC December Conference, Unveils New Research

AMBIC Industry Board members and other researchers convened to discuss new and ongoing projects.

DoD Awards $1M to Develop Portable Medical Sensors

Redox information may hold key to rapidly diagnosing disease

Fischell Institute Hosts SemiSynBio 

Semiconductor Synthetic Biology annual review offers project guidance for grant-funded research.

Fischell Institute Featured in Materials Research Society Video

Bentley, Payne, and others discuss importance of research collaborations. 

Bridging the Gap between Microelectronics, Biological Systems

UMD researchers receive $1.5 M NSF grant to develop first-of-kind bioelectronics.

UMD Hosts Materials Genome Initiative Principal Investigator Meeting

270 scientists and policymakers gather to enhance U.S. competitiveness in STEM.